Even an amateur non economist jackass like me recognized something was f'd up when Jason claimed no supply shock due to the pandemic.

So I wonder if heritage dink tank types didn't backdoor funnel some $ to Harvard to in effect purchase some of those fox chyron claims

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I'm generally a great fan of your work Jared but you are giving way to much credit to Jason. The failure to defend Bidenomics as illustrated in this piece was a big part of the problem.

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From what I read he seemed to hardly consider Trump's role in leaving the hole he did. His analysis covers 2019 to 2024 - Trump was president 2019 - 20 but he only focuses on 2021- 24. Also Trump begged the Saudis to cut their oil production in 2019 increasing the price of gas to satisfy oil companies and Putin.

With friends like Furman who needs the GOP?

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His podcast appearance with Jon Stewart and a woman economist whose name I’m blanking on supports your claim. I have had….an aversion to his line of thinking ever since then.

Oddly enough, I went back and read his 2016 economic report about income inequality, where he openly admits the Obama administration did not cut the gap as much as they’d hoped.

Somehow, someway he has not developed as an economic thinker since then. He manages to avoid the record breaking stock buybacks and mergers and acquisitions, and rapid growth of executive compensation comparable to median employee wage. Of course, this would require him to admit the failures of the Phillips curve.

Biden & co. did a good job with the 1% tax on stock buybacks. Obviously not high enough, but the tax itself serves as a signal to everyone that this ludicrous practice has been going on unregulated.

The disasters of the Trump administration are too many to count, but Jason seemingly breezed through the covid deaths and changed habits as negative economic factors. Additionally, he avoids Trump begging Xi Jingping to buy US farm goods amidst the trade war as well as the drastic decrease in **legal** immigration under the Trump presidency which further explains economic problems.

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The only decent coverage Biden got came in the industry blogs - farming, shipping, manufacturing, solar, etc You'd never have known he sent hundreds of millions to make ports emission free, efficient, lowering the cost of transportation and goods, helping supply chains, if not for the maritime industry - coast to coast, east and west. A priority of Harris since her days in CA where she tackled port community polluters with fines for crimes. Booze got a boost when Joe's Commerce got tariffs eliminated for bourbon - So much more that you only read about if you were on the agency home pages (Interior, Transportation, Commerce, Energy, EPA) or scoured the blogs and local digital reporting - Shame.

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Very helpful analysis, Jared. I recall having to buy a car in late 2021 and the chips supply chain crisis hit me hard in the wallet.

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If the trade was stimulus checks --->Justice Jackson & inflation--->President Trump then politicos were wrong.

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